We are distributors of Tower Garden aeroponic systems in the USA, Canada and Europe for residential & commercial markets.

Our aeroponic systems can be used indoors or outdoors and can operate in heavy storm conditions.

Aside from an average of 75% space-saving, our towers allow to grow fruit, vegetables, herbs, flowers and cannabis using 95% less water than what is required to grow plants in the soil: these aeroponic towers are the perfect gardening and farming option for water restricted areas!

Tower Garden aeroponic systems are truly a ‘plug & plant’ fully automated experience! 

100% natural and pesticide free: check out the beyond organic section of our website!

From residential use to commercial farming, we use the same pure mineral soluble mix to grow hundreds of different crops!  Our fruits, herbs and vegetables feature an average of 35% to 60% more nutrients than their counterparts grown in the soil.

We do not advocate nor brag about producing better crop, but rather, we prove it by publishing a scientific comparative study which was partially funded by the US Department of Agriculture.


 Tower Garden crop yield is also 35% to 50% superior than conventional farming/gardening and we prove it as well.

Residential models feature 20 growing ports. A tower extension for an extra 8 plants can be ordered separately (giving a maximum of 28 plants capacity for the residential model). 

A commercial tower is designed to grow up to 44 plants (Fully automated commercial Tower Garden systems are now also available for the European market with a minimum of 10 towers per order!).



 95% water savings • 75% space-saving • 35% to 50% crop yield increase • 100% beyond organic and so easy to operate!



From backyard gardening to commercial farming, whether indoors or outdoors, our aeroponic towers produce more while requiring less labor! On a commercial farm, one single full-time employee can manage an average of 75 to 100 towers from seeding to harvesting! Perfect for restaurants, hotels, resorts, schools, nonprofit charities, etc…

Ibiza Farm is the first vertical aeroponic farm ever set up in Europe using Tower Garden® patented technology.


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