We Train, Educate & Inspire Responsible Leaders and Entrepreneurs
Part Time MBAs 100% taught in English
Flexibility: one Programme/ three Formats
In today’s business world both companies and individuals have to be flexible to tackle changing environments.
The World Med MBA has been built to be flexible, to offer participants:
- the choice of the training format best adapted to one’s personal situation when entering the programme
- the possibility of switching from one format to another if the participant’s personal and/or professional situation requires it
Our ambition is to offer each participant his/her personal Path to the World Med MBA.
We therefore offer one programmein three formats:
Part Time 2 year Path / Part Time Intensive 1 year Path / Part Time Modular Path
You can at any point switch from one Format to another.
The Modular Path is the most flexible Path: it is fully personalized. It allows a participant to start the MBA at any time, and to complete the MBA over a period of 1 to 4 years.
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